Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You are totally Groovy!
Hooray! Now that Berenice got her card, I can finally post a picture of it. I sent this card and a few other goodies to her a week or so ago :) Pardon the lighting... I deperately took this picture at work with my cell phone while I secretly packaged up her goodies in my cubicle lol! I forgot however to take pictures of the other goodies I sent her... You can get a peek over at her blog
Confession time
This was the original card I made for Berenice... but I goofed it up BIG time! I stuck everything on the card with permanent adhesive and when it was finished I proudly held it up and realized the dang card opened up the wrong way! I immidiately yelled a few profanities "!@#$%^*&!!!and then laughed at myself before making her another card that wasn't upside down lol! I'm hoping I'm not the first to ever do that.... ahhh you live and learn.... that's what I get for not paying attention to what I'm doing heehee...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Love in my mailbox
Today was quite the surprise. I went to check the mail and I got 2 notices to pick up packages at my Apartment Office. I walk in and one of the Apartment associates hands me 2 large packages... I say whaaat? My mom has been calling me all week asking if I received my b-day package yet, but nope these packages were not from good ol' mom. In fact, one was from my BFF Liz and the other one was quite unexpected, it was from a customer of mine Teresa. She had ordered some personalized address labels from me a couple times, and she's seriously one of the sweetest people I've NEVER met! lol The first time she ordered labels, I got a really sweet card in the mail thanking me, yet she purchased the labels from ME lol! I was so surprised I got a thank you card, so I sent her a card right back to thank her hahah!
Then she recently ordered more labels after moving, and now I get a random package in the mail. How sweet is this girl!? :) I dont even know if she knows I have a blog, but I'm going to have to come up with something really special to send her just because :)
My goodies from Liz

Then she recently ordered more labels after moving, and now I get a random package in the mail. How sweet is this girl!? :) I dont even know if she knows I have a blog, but I'm going to have to come up with something really special to send her just because :)
My goodies from Liz
My goodies from Teresa
Just in case either Liz or Teresa read this...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Courage, Strength, Hope, Faith
Yesterday my co-workers and I found out that another co-worker of ours just got a call from her doctor and found out she has breast cancer. My heart sank and my thoughts and prayers really went out to her since one of my Aunts recently found out she also has breast cancer. A few of us at work pitched in and got her some beautiful flowers and I was designated to make her a card. I quickly threw this together this morning while I was at work so we could all sign her card to let her know we were there for her. Now looking at the card all I see are mistakes and little things I would have changed, not to mention the lighting at work is horrible lol. It's funny how we can criticize our own work, yet it turns out she loved the card and was surprised that I made it :) It makes me feel good, to have brightened her day after receiving some unfavorable news.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thank you Berenice!
On my birthday, I received one of the cutest cards and goodies from my fellow blogger Berenice She is such a sweetheart for sending such a lovely card and gifts. She made an amazing shaker card, which I want to learn how to make! It arrived on my birthday with perfect timing :)
Ps. I sent you a card and some goodies.... I hope you like them :)
Thank you so much Berenice!!! xoxox
Monday, September 14, 2009
Halloween Labels
I made these Hello Kitty Labels for Halloween. The examples below were for a friend of mine. I cant wait to stick these on my Halloween Treats and Goodies, they're so cute:)

Friday, September 11, 2009
Birthday Anya ~ Thank you's
A bug definetly caught up with me. I feel like I've been run over by a truck today, but even so I was so greatful to the wonderful things people did for me at work yesterday, especially Edith. She made her wonderful cake and I wanted to give her a Thank you card because I know how much money and time goes into making her delicious cakes. It was 6am, and this is what I quickly made up before rushing off to work.

Sadie... My Wild Sprout
Meet Sadie! She is my 2nd sprout I'm submitting out of the 3 we can enter. I made her look a more like the other Wild Sprouts. I purposely made her dress a little more plain looking, but only so you could have more options and decorate her dress however you'd like it to look. I hope you like her :)

Olivia... My Wild Sprout
Ok so Marie posted her template and I'll be honest, I dont know how true to form my sprouts are to her template, but I drew Olivia & Sadie before she made the template so hopefully these work. If either of my sprouts were to be chosen, Maybe she can re-do them to make them look nicer and fit them how she'd like (you know... that's *if* my sprouts were to get chosen lol!)

Here's Olivia - She comes with an optional hair bow that you can place in different spots in her hair. I hope you think she's super adorable!! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee!
Well today is my Birthday! I'm older, a little wiser, feeling a little under the weather, but the day is going great! I got to work today and my cubicle was decorated which was a HUGE surprise since I'm still the "new girl" so I didn't think anyone even knew it was my birthday. This girl Edith made me her famous toffee crunch chocolate cake that is so decadent and delicious, I could have just died and gone to heaven! This is what I saw today when I got to work :) 
21... uhhh yeah 10 yrs ago today! lol but this was so cute

My Little Cubicle
21... uhhh yeah 10 yrs ago today! lol but this was so cute
Edith's Killer Toffee Crunch Cake.... Mmmmm
After a busy day at work Kevin took me to dinner. We went to the fabulous J Alexander's. We then came home and I found a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a cute card that played music and a Ice Cream Cake from 31 Flavors Baskin Robbins ;)
What a day... time to crawn into bed... Nite y'all! (^_^) zzzzz

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Wild Sprouts
I am really excited with the news that Marie will letting 1 lucky winner design a new Wild Sprout for The Greeting Farm. As a kid I loved to draw, paint, doodle... there was always a pen or some sort of drawing material in my hands. I still remember back in 1st grade I said, "when I grow up I want to be an art teacher" I disliked my art teacher because she was REALLY mean and would pick on me about not drawing my palm trees the way she wanted them to look. From that point on I thought I wanted to be an art teacher because I knew I'd be a better and a nicer teacher than she ever was lol! It's funny how I can remember certain memories from my childhood, yet I cant tell you what I had for dinner last week lol! Honestly it's been years since I've gone back into drawing, but I couldn't resist drawing my my own Wild Sprout. I want to enter the challenge and I've already drawn 1 sprout and I may draw another to choose from. I'm still debating on what I'd like to name her, but I figure even if I don't get picked, it wouldnt matter because I still love the way she looks and I could use her in many of my own cards. So until the challenge starts, I leave you with a tiny sneek peek of what I drew up today.
Pardon the scan, This was drawn then colored then copied... I'm still trying to figure out the best way to scan things with my new printer.

Pardon the scan, This was drawn then colored then copied... I'm still trying to figure out the best way to scan things with my new printer.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Farm Fresh Friday - Inside Counts Challenge
Being that I just moved to Texas, I thought this would be really cute card to send to a friend back home in California… (Californian’s have a tendency to think TX is full of barns, western gear and cowboys anyway lol! )
Ps... The Barn is a Digi Stamp made by Lynda Nielsen. I randomly came across it in her Etsy shop, and knew this was the perfect barn for my Greeting Farm Stamps. How can you have a farm without a barn anyway? :)

Monday, September 07, 2009
I want candy!
Who doesn't love amazing blog candy?? Many of you who I talk with about the greeting farm, stamping, and all of the wonderful creations I've come across thorough the blog, the shop, know that when I mention how inspired I am by Amy, then the name wont come as a surprise when I mention her again today! I talk about Amy's creations as if she were one of my closest friends, yet I dont even know her LOL!! I just love her work, and she truly inspires me with every card she makes. Check out Amy's blog and her amazing blog candy she's giving away! Don't leave a comment because I wanna win! lol j/k! (kinda) hahah....

Anywho, what are you waiting for... go check it out and stay awhile and visit her blog... it's just as awesome as she is!! :)

What I want to win the most is her card of Birthday Anya... isnt this just too cute for words??

Sunday, September 06, 2009
Fun with Digi Stamps
Awhile back I was browsing some of the many blogs I love to read and I came across In Style Stamps. I was looking for some new digital stamps cause I love instant gratification and being able to quickly download a stamp and and start on a new card. In Style Stamps has really cute Anime stamps, like Ava here. I got a bunch of new digi stamps and finally got to sit down with some and play around with them today. I made this card today using Ava Standing. Isn't she a cutie?
What I also love, is they have a variety of other fun single stamps and backgrounds that you could use with many other stamps you already own. There are some fun and unique stamps in the objects section, like the VW Van I picked up for only .99 cents which I thought will go perfectly The Greeting Farm's Hippie Anya and HG Peace Stamps. The Sunflower Ava is standing on was only $2... with prices like these, you really can't pass them up! :)
We all scream for ice cream!
Growing up my sister and I would always fight over ice cream. It was always about who opened the ice cream first, who got the most, and who finished off the carton when the other person didn't get any. Occasionally, we'd work as a team to make our own ice cream... so in honor of our cool treat we also loved to eat and fight about, I made this card for my sister :)

Saturday, September 05, 2009
Sending Smiles
Just dropping in with a quick hello. It's labor day weekend and I haven't been feeling up to par. I dont know if it's the changing of the season or if I've been slowly catching this mysterious bug that's been going around work. While taking it easy this weekend, I was thinking of my mom and sister and made them some cards. I finished my mom's and I'll post my sisters once it's done.

The inside says:
Like the sunshine in the morning,
may this brighten your day,
and remind you that you're thought of
in a very warm way
may this brighten your day,
and remind you that you're thought of
in a very warm way
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